Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Why I love exercise

Except for slight dance frustrations, today has been good so far... I know it's only 11am, but it makes me optimistic for the rest of the day. I worked out extra hard today, and I'm satisfied with my current endurance level. It could still be much better, but I could run longer today without stopping than I've been able to in a while. And then instead of slacking off and only lifting weights for 15 minutes and doing little-to-no ab workouts, I did 30 minutes of weights and then lots of abs and stretching. Working out feels so good! It gets me in the mood to get things done.


Today I'm hoping to get my food handler's permit, go to my advisor to plan class schedules for upcoming semesters, go to the ASL lab for an hour, go to ASL, and then go on a hopefully good date with Jeff! If I can clean my room and have a little time to read my book on top of it all then it will be perfect!


Laura C said...

Good for you! I went running the other day, and needless to say, was NOT too impressed with my endurance level. haha. but I'm workin on it. you're my inspiration ;). Have fun tonight; don't stress.

Josh said...