Sunday, May 24, 2009

This post has no title (except for this)

This has been a pretty good weekend. I had my first team performance in Kaysville which was fun being able to go with my friends on team and spend some time hanging out with them. Our performance was a little rocky in places but hopefully that will have smoothed it out a bit for the social dance lab coming up in 2 1/2 weeks.

I finally have a roommate again! I'm so glad that Katie's back! Maybe now I'll more than occasionally leave my apartment if we do fun stuff. I just haven't had any reason to, you know?

I taught Gospel Doctrine today for the first time, and it went well! It better have.... I spent my free time friday night and saturday afternoon preparing for it! Anyway, I won't have to teach for another couple of weeks, and that will be my last time. I wouldn't mind doing it more though, it's not nearly as scary as I always thought it would be. It's actually kinda fun to have control over the class :)
Anyway, someone was busy stealing my roommate so I really didn't do anything today except take a long nap and watch The Nightmare Before Christmas. Which it turns out that I like. Yeah Tim Burton's weird, but there's something about it that I really enjoy. I think I do want to go see Coraline, no matter what anyone says!

So that was my weekend. I just thought I'd write something in a post since I haven't had one in a week!
By the way, keep your fingers crossed that everything will turn out fine with the Israel vs Iran conflict going on... there is definite potential for disaster, and we know what that means - no Jerusalem Center fall semester. BAD!!!! I mean, I hope they have peace and people don't die and everything, but I want to go!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I don't say it enough

Thanks everyone for your efforts in my day of birth. I really appreciate all of you and for your friendship :) I have a really hard time accepting love from people these days, hence my unwillingness to let you do anything for me this weekend, but I appreciate it nontheless and I love all of you.

I have really good friends.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


All I have to say for this post is....


Of course everyone that reads this blog was already told by me, but still, it had to be done!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Random Musings

Today is Matt's birthday. He's turning 20 in Salzburg and then he comes home in two days. My birthday is next Sunday. I'm turning 20 in Provo and then I go home in 7 weeks. Sometimes life just isn't fair.

Speaking of Europe, I just want to know about Jerusalem already! (Yes, I know Israel is in the Middle East, not a European country, but you know.) The date given to be informed was May 15th. That's next friday! Ahhhh! So close yet so far.

I've decided I miss Firefly. I always tell people it's my favorite t.v. show, but I haven't rewatched even one episode in almost 5 months. What's up with that? What kind of a devoted, loving, unwavering fan am I? I realized the other day that I was starting to forget my favorite quotes, the mannerisms of the characters, even the characters real names. Needless to say, I'll be working on that this next week I hope.

I don't really have a purpose for this post except to procrastinate writing a talk, so I'm just typing whatever is going through my head. And right now that is: "Wow, stop wasting time. You'll be glad later if you just work on your talk now, so post this and focus!"
On that note, have a lovely Saturday all.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

John's and my Cinco De Mayo party turned out great! A LOT of people from the ward showed up, more than I thought would come. My brothers also came, my friend Sarah and her (kind of) boyfriend, and my friends Rafe and Andre. I made tres leches, John made guacamole and a 7 layer dip-type-thing, we had good drinks, and lots of quesadillas. Not to mention the pinata which always sets up a good time!
After everyone left I stayed at Ave 123 with John, Tyler, and Bob, and we watched the first episode of Planet Earth. I love that documentary. Just about every second of footage is something incredibly beautiful, whether it's the most barren of deserts or the greenest of forests. Nature takes my breath away.

My friend Matt that I mentioned previously called me yesterday. I knew that he was in Barcelona, but not that he was all alone. He called me at 3:30 am his time and he was walking back to his hostel. I was a little nervous when he said he wasn't walking with anybody and that he had just gotten out of a dangerous section of the city... but he made it back ok :) I was SO happy to talk to him and hear his voice for the first time in 8 1/2 months. It totally made my week. Matt has a way of making you feel special. Maybe that's why he's my favorite guy in the world!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Pretty pictures

I just want to throw a shoutout for my recently rediscovered favorite website. I forgot about it until last week, and it took me until today to remember the name... but I finally did! It's There are really cool images on it. If you look around all the free links you'll find lots of neat pictures that you can save. They make good desktop backgrounds and such. Enjoy!

Monday, May 4, 2009


So despite the fact that I was not able to find a guy to add 382 with me, Curt still added me. He's so nice! Totally made my day. That also means I have 6 credits now and I can workout in the Fieldhouse for free! Woohoo! I can't decide what I want to do tonight. Hang out at A102 like usual and play with Josh's iTouch or my N64? Watch Son of Rambow with Ave 123? Catch up on the last month and a half of Lost? So many options...
I have training tomorrow afternoon for BYU Catering. I can't wait to start working and earning money!
One of my closest friends from home, Matt, gets back next Monday from almost a year in Europe. Well, since the beginning of September. I can't WAIT to see him when I get back to Salem. He's one of those people that immediately brightens my day. I can't be sad around him. Maybe that's why I miss him so much right now?