Monday, May 4, 2009


So despite the fact that I was not able to find a guy to add 382 with me, Curt still added me. He's so nice! Totally made my day. That also means I have 6 credits now and I can workout in the Fieldhouse for free! Woohoo! I can't decide what I want to do tonight. Hang out at A102 like usual and play with Josh's iTouch or my N64? Watch Son of Rambow with Ave 123? Catch up on the last month and a half of Lost? So many options...
I have training tomorrow afternoon for BYU Catering. I can't wait to start working and earning money!
One of my closest friends from home, Matt, gets back next Monday from almost a year in Europe. Well, since the beginning of September. I can't WAIT to see him when I get back to Salem. He's one of those people that immediately brightens my day. I can't be sad around him. Maybe that's why I miss him so much right now?


Laura C said...

gahhh I want a social life. lol. I want to get to play with A 102 and Ave 123...not to mention Ave 120...:)

Katya said...

hahah i love how your n64 is still over there. yay for getting into the standard class! i'm so glad kellie! and yay for making money too! i'm thinking maybe i'll try applying for catering when i get back or maybe during summer term...?