Saturday, May 9, 2009

Random Musings

Today is Matt's birthday. He's turning 20 in Salzburg and then he comes home in two days. My birthday is next Sunday. I'm turning 20 in Provo and then I go home in 7 weeks. Sometimes life just isn't fair.

Speaking of Europe, I just want to know about Jerusalem already! (Yes, I know Israel is in the Middle East, not a European country, but you know.) The date given to be informed was May 15th. That's next friday! Ahhhh! So close yet so far.

I've decided I miss Firefly. I always tell people it's my favorite t.v. show, but I haven't rewatched even one episode in almost 5 months. What's up with that? What kind of a devoted, loving, unwavering fan am I? I realized the other day that I was starting to forget my favorite quotes, the mannerisms of the characters, even the characters real names. Needless to say, I'll be working on that this next week I hope.

I don't really have a purpose for this post except to procrastinate writing a talk, so I'm just typing whatever is going through my head. And right now that is: "Wow, stop wasting time. You'll be glad later if you just work on your talk now, so post this and focus!"
On that note, have a lovely Saturday all.

1 comment:

Laura C said...

Gahh. we never rewatched firefly:(. That is sad. I might have to find it somewhere to watch over the summer...