My family has inherited a bunch of old books belonging to my great-grandparents ever since my last grandparent died a year ago February. We have probably 50 or 60 of them, some of them printed as recently as the '50s and '60s, but some very close to the beginning of last century. They're beautiful, all hardcovers like books used to be made, almost all have cool black and white illustrations, and the pages on many books are yellowing. I love it. I got to go through all the books and mark which ones I would be interested in having passed into my possesion. They have to go to quite a few grandkids and other family members so I won't get all of the ones I want... luckily my oldest brother and I are the ones most interested in all these old books.
One of my favorites is the Grimms' Fairy Tales. Disney and modern culture have taken some of these stories and made them happier with less frightful occurances than the original Grimm stories. They have gone through some changes since the original stories were written to make them less scary and gory, but much to my pleasure, this version seems to be very close to the original story. For example Cinderella's step-sisters cut off their heels and toes to fit into the slipper, and there is blood everywhere. How silly. But it makes a much better story, I think, and that's the version told in this 1945 published copy. I NEED this one! Keep your fingers crossed that I get to own it one day.
In honor of my new camera and my love of the written word, I just wanted to make this nice little post about them and take some pictures to document their loveliness. Enjoy.
Hello-- I'm a bit of a stranger to your blog, but I happened across it by following links through a few others. I've read some of your posts, and I rather am impressed by your writing. I'm launching a website in the next little bit (about ten days), and I wondered if you'd like to write for it? I'm trying to recruit a few more authors before the launch. You can get the gist of what the website will be like by going to and seeing our construction page. There's a video there that explains it all. I can also tell you all the details about it. If you're interested, please email me at
Thank you.
Oh, and I forgot to mention-- I see that you're LDS. Eventually (not now, but in due time), I'll also launch an LDS sort of version of the aforementioned website, and we'll need strictly LDS authors. The original IPF³ website will uphold our standards and such, but it will be a very broad focus. The LDS version will be written specifically with Latter Day Saints and investigators in mind. Anyway. If you'd care to write for either or both websites, please let me know by emailing me.
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